October 25, 2024

Welcome Mike O’Brien, Vice President of Commercial Sales

In August, Mike O’Brien joined us in a new position at AV Logistics as Vice President of Commercial Sales. We sat down with him to get to know him better and his plans with AV Logistics. 

Welcome to AV Logistics, Mike! I understand your position is new.

Thank you. Yes, I was hired to help AV Logistics develop, start and run their intermodal marketing company (IMC). It’s something I did at my previous employer many years ago. The business unit will sell intermodal services to other transportation companies so they can access rail and other transportation through AV Logistics. Ultimately, my major role will be focusing on the commercial side but my experience in the entire operation will let me assist in those areas, as well.

How did you find AV Logistics?

Having worked in the industry for 30 years, I have been friends with the leaders of the C&K Holdings companies for years. Recently, I ran into Sean McShane at a golf outing. My last company had reorganized after an ownership change so when I told him I was looking for opportunities, he said he wanted to talk about helping establish an IMC. I was a good candidate since I had a lot of prior experience building an IMC and working in the industry for a long time. So, we worked on a proposal and submitted it to the MSC and MEDLOG boards, who approved it.

What attracted you to working with AV Logistics?

Being with the right people with the right culture fit right now is more important to me than anything else. When I worked for Interdom, the culture was great. We operated like a family company, despite our size, which is why I remained with them for so many years. At AV Logistics, I already knew Mike Bifulco, who I currently report to, and many others at the organization. When I interviewed in Jacksonville, I felt the same familiar vibe I did at Interdom. I was confident AV would be a great culture fit, so it was an easy decision to come aboard.

What are you looking most forward to in your work with AV Logistics?

Getting the contracts signed, the systems up and running, and the freight moving! For the past few months, I have been working extensively with Mike and leaders in pricing and operations on our processes. There’s been some delays, but we are almost there! Strategy is crucial, as is working with the right people. I am truly honored to be a part of this fantastic organization.

What will be the biggest challenge with your position?

I know we’ll be able to hit the ground running once everything is in place. I think getting the word out will be critical, and I have already been talking to several potential customers and have some support commitments already. In phase 1, we will be repositioning MSC empty equipment with domestic freight from their surplus areas to their demand areas. Eventually, I see us repositioning other steamship equipment and handling international business for small to medium-sized steamship lines that don’t have rail contracts.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

I love spending time with my five kids and one grandson. I still have three kids in college, including twins in their junior year and a senior. Other than that, I’m an avid sports fan, and on most weekends, you can find me out on the golf course.