Coreviz Supply Chain Visibility Solution from AV Logistics Celebrates One-Year Anniversary
It’s been about a year since we launched Coreviz, our proprietary real-time supply chain platform, and our customers began using it. Coreviz has become a phenomenal success, and our customers now enjoy indispensable insights into their shipping container management. Coreviz helps AV Logistics make proactive decisions for customers and create high-level efficiency in their logistics operations.
Like all great relationships, there’s a story behind the partnership between AV Logistics and those who benefit from our technology. Our customers are not only users of our platform—they are actually co-creators of it!
AV Logistics partnered with Intermodal Data Hub (IDH), a supply chain IT company, to provide the technology for Coreviz. Our first step, though, was consulting our customers to see what features they most wanted in their supply chain visibility platform. We surveyed and interviewed many of our customers to see what was on their wish lists. Then, we worked hard to develop a product that delivered what they asked for, including:
High-Level Reporting. One of the main requests from our customers was to have an at-a-glance, 20,000-foot view of their operations. They were hoping we could deliver a type of on-demand “situational awareness” for their shipping containers that would provide the location of their containers and show where the potential bottlenecks or delays were most likely to occur. With such information, they could see how “proactive solutions” could prevent unnecessary per diem and demurrage charges. The idea morphed into the current reporting system within Coreviz. Customers can now set watchlists and alerts to track potential delays and impending last free days at the port, giving them greater control and intelligence over the journey of their shipping containers.
Creation of Milestones. Our customers also asked for functionality to follow the entire container lifecycle, even over the ocean, so there would be no surprises when their containers arrive, depart, and unload at their destinations. We created a bank of significant shipping container milestones based on their input. Today Coreviz reports on the 15 most-wanted milestones for BCOs. They include visibility for up to 30 days on the water, and indispensable milestones at the port, such as vessel ETA, berthing ETA, port last free day, and container outgate, among others. Coreviz also monitors similar milestones for drayage to the railyard and distribution center, including empty pickup and return.
Continuous Improvement. AV Logistics launched Coreviz as a fully-operational value-add to customers. However, as technology evolves at AV Logistics, Coreviz will too. We enjoy our relationship with our beta testers, who helped create Coreviz 1.0, and they continue to feed us ideas to create an even more robust system. Our customers want to enhance functionality in different areas to reduce repetitive tasks and streamline their daily workflow. AV Logistics is listening and continuing to evolve Coreviz to meet their needs.
While developing Coreviz, we worked closely with one of our long-term customers, a Chicago-area B2B company that requires drayage management for a high volume of containers every month. They were our beta testers of the system and continue to feed us ideas to help us continuously improve. We’re so grateful for their help in creating a product that will help our other customers as much as it helps them.
It wasn’t long before other customers hopped onto the Coreviz system too. Today, we still get rave reviews when customers try the system. Thanks to customer input from the start, AV Logistics is confident that through Coreviz, we are providing lean technology to make logistics more efficient for everyone.
AV Logistics continues to evolve our vision for Coreviz too. We want to see customers go beyond visibility and use Coreviz as a communication hub model, where they can consolidate their supply chain updates from various partners within one platform. One year later, we are one year closer to our goal. We have become a 3PL that offers an industry-tested visibility platform, and our customers are reaping the benefits!
We’re grateful to everyone who helped us develop Coreviz, a custom-made platform for BCOs and importers. Thank you! This month is an anniversary celebration not only for AV Logistics but for all of our customers who provided input and participated as beta testers too. Congratulations to everyone, and long live Coreviz!